Design Thinking Complete Course


Design Thinking is the most valued skill set today and will be the same forever as it deals with providing services to users. At Dthinq, we have come up with a full-length complete course on Design Thinking to help you grow from beginners to experts in the Design Thinking process.


Design Thinking is the most valued skill set today and will be the same forever as it deals with providing services to users. At Ordit, we have come up with a full-length complete course on Design Thinking to help you grow from beginners to experts in the Design Thinking process.

Design thinking is a five-step human-centered process for creative problem-solving. It is an iterative process that seeks to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and define problems and come up with realistic solutions.

Now coming to the course, we will provide you with an in-depth explanation of the Design Thinking framework and tools involved in every phase.